Offering annual noninvasive screening with OC-Auto FIT to patients 45-75 years of age at average-risk is a guideline-recommended strategy that allows your organization to prioritize colonoscopies for patients with precancerous or cancerous growths, reducing wait times, and preserving valuable resources.
Polymedco’s customizable, programmatic screening solutions help health systems increase patient participation, identify disease earlier, and reduce mortality rates while reducing costs and providing quality care.1,2
Program overview sheet
Promote screening with Polymedco’s collaboration using OC-Auto FIT.
Physician outreach letter
Send to providers to share data and insights about the benefits of OC-Auto FIT.
Physician information sheet
Share quick facts about CRC and recommendations for screening with OC-Auto FIT.
Patient brochure
Make brochures available for patients in waiting areas, exam rooms, or the reception area.
Introduction letter template
Reach out to patients directly with information about screening with OC-Auto FIT.
Phone call script
Download a customizable script for calling patients about screening with OC-Auto FIT.
Text message template
Customize the template with a brief text message to patients about OC-Auto FIT.
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